As women, we serve in so many ways - wife, mother, friend, sister, daughter, grandmother, aunt, caregiver, community leader ... the list goes on and on.
Lives are busy, chaotic, noisy and full of doing. I invite you to slow down, take some time for you and explore what makes you whole. Coaching sessions include a variety of modalities that are designed to relax, relieve, rejuvenate, let-go of, and assist you on your journey towards you true authentic self. That place of knowing that guides us toward our higher purpose.
I believe in the benefits of Mind, Body Sprit healing. My holistic approach includes reflection, body work, sound healing, massage, and other allied modalities. Offered in a relaxing, private setting and with total confidentiality.
My life was out of control. I was in a relationship of 9 years that was unhealthy and controlling. I didn’t see a way forward, I felt miserable and alone. Working with Pixie and her knowledge of co-dependency, helped me realize that I could be in control if I chose to be. Now, over a year later, I am living the life I always dreamed of, I have a healthy child, a positive and loving relationship and the belief that I deserve to be happy. I am grateful to have Pixie as my life coach and friend.
I didn’t know much about Chakra’s, energy work or aromatherapy or how the mind/body/spirit connection was important to living a healthy and joyful life. During each session, Pixie explained and educated me on how important it is to be in touch with my mind/body/spirit connection. I was skeptical at first, yet over time I’ve come to realize that my inner joy and peaceful center has always been there, I just didn’t know how to access it. Thank you Pixie for your talents and support.
Working with Pixie, I am learning to deal with emotions and mental blocks that have kept me from living my life fully. Each session includes different modalities in addition to our coaching. I love the feeling I have after each session, feeling lighter and more empowered. I realize that I don’t have to be so hard on myself and having a caring, emphatic coach & bodyworker like Pixie, provides me with permission to be myself.
I thought I knew how to relax. Boy was I wrong. Pixie has taken me on a journey of discovery about my mind/body/spirit connection and how vital it is in my efforts to relax and learn to BE instead of always Doing. My confidence has improved, I am not as reactive to situations as I used to be and I learned how to BREATHE and use my breathing as a tool for healing.
I came to Pixie as a new business owner feeling frustrated and unsuccessful. The conversations we had illuminated something within me and I began to look at my life and my business in a different way. Now I am moving in a direction that I realize I always loved yet hadn’t given much thought to. My energy is higher, my passion stronger and my confidence is growing every day. I think back and realize that it was during one of our coaching sessions, a simple question that Pixie asked that sparked my new journey.